Felas the Planet

Felas is about two-thirds the size of Earth, with a rotation period of 28 hours and one year being 411 days (roughly - its more exact timing would be 441.83 days, leading to many cultures having designated leap years).

Felas' star is older than Earth's, larger and brighter but only by a small fraction. While Earth's sun is considered "yellow", Felas' sun is considered "blue". There are six planets in the solar system, with Felas being the second-closest to its star at 1.3 AU.

Felas has three moons in total, with one major/primary moon and two minor moons. Its primary moon is 30% smaller in diameter than Earth's moon, but is brighter due to it being speckled with oceans of ice; its full moons are as much as 60% brighter than on Earth. It takes 21 days to orbit around Felas, and like Earth's it is tidally locked to the planet.

Its two minor moons are more comparable to Mars' moons, irregularly shaped asteroids caught in its orbit. They orbit further from Felas than its primary moon, and are nearly invisible during the day and nights of the full moon. One orbits in a similar way to the primary moon, but the other orbits in such a way that it's only ever seen in the southern hemisphere.

The Continents

There are three major continents on Felas, and one continent-turned-archipelago. There are other landmasses, but they are rarely if ever brought up in lore or stories and won't have too much focus here. All plotlines are set on one of these four continents, with any others obscured in mystery, if not entirely unknown to humans.


Kvolsum is the only southern hemisphere continent, its northern coasts straddling the equator. It is the driest continent as well, with much of its southern land being desert or savanna. Its northwestern coasts are dominated by lush rainforests and swamps. Most international trade comes from states in the northwest, its deserts infamous across the continents.


Ussiar is located just north of Kvolsum, their closest points being around 720 miles (1,158 km) from each other. Its northern half has temperate forests, with rainforests and wetlands lining its coasts, and its southern half has tropical forests. In the southern central region of the continent, the land dries into grasslands and brushlands, with a large plateau region in the east surrounded by mountains. There is also a small mountain range in the west, infamous for its high levels of magic energy. Before modern international trade, the southeast was the region to trade with Kvolsum and thus location of some of the most prominent civilizations in history.


Namrok is the northern-most continent, with its northern half within the Arctic Circle. It is much farther from Ussiar and Kvolsum, its closest points over 2,000 miles (3,500 km) apart. The continent is commonly organized into three major regions: land east of the eastern mountain ranges, land west of the western mountain ranges, and the land between the two. The northern boreal forest peoples were always more isolated, with the southern temperate forests being the location of most large-scale civilizations through history.


The archipelago of Danarsi is mostly centered along the equator, but has hundreds if not thousands of islands scattered across the region at varying latitudes. Danarsi used to be the location of a continent rivaling the size of the others, referred to as Niras, but in recent geological history there was a rise in sea levels sunk the lowlands that made up most of the continent beneath the surface.

Other Landmasses


The Arctic Continent is about 1,600 miles (2,500 km) from Namrok, only known through myths among various peoples of the northern coasts of Namrok. Legends say the frozen wastelands are inhabited by megafauna, including a race of giants.

The Humans

Humans on Felas evolved on the ancient continent of Niras. The earliest migrations off the continent began 40,000 years ago, in response to a drying climate. Humans had discovered how to harness magic for thousands of years at this point, developing a rudimentary form of long-distance ocean travel that allowed them to reach the other three continents.

Yoi of Danarsi

The yoi are the modern descendants of the Niras humans who chose to stay on the continent even when the sea levels rose and sank most of the land. They made their homes on the highest mountains, which eventually became the Danarsi archipelago.

Khokan of Kvolsum

Kvolsum was the first continent humans reached upon leaving Niras.

Erylai of Ussiar

During the prehistoric human migrations, Kvolsum and Ussiar were connected via a land bridge to create the continent referred to as "Usso-Kvolsum". While many human populations still traveled north by sea, many crossed the land bridge and maintained contact with each other until the sea levels rose.

Nami of Namrok

Namrok was the final continent to be reached by modern humans, but was the most hostile and slowest to spread across.


Long, long ago, the continents were once a single supercontinent that began to break apart with plate tectonics. The first landmass to split from the supercontinent was (Name Pending), the amalgamation of the Arctic Continent, Namrok and Niras. Niras would break from the megacontinent early on, dropping to the equator while the main continent continued to travel north. The Arctic Continent would split from Namrok, further traveling into the polar regions while Namrok began to settle straddling the Arctic Circle.

Ussiar and Kvolsum would split to the east, and remained a singular continent for much more of its history as Usso-Kvolsum. There would be periods where the continent would be connected via land bridges, until recent history with the modern rise in sea levels starting 8,000 years ago.

Starting around 5,000 years ago and lasting for nearly two millenia, there was a global period of drying climate similar to the conditions that originally inspired humans to leave Niras. All the landmasses were affected by this, with waves of migrations to the wetter coasts that could be seen in the archeological records. Kvolsum already had patches of desert, but this greatly expanded them; it was hit the hardest by this period.