The Planet Felas

Felas has three moons: the major moon, the magic moon, and the minor moon.

The major moon is brighter than Earth's moon, covered in frozen oceans. It's phase cycle is 20 days, which makes one lunar month.
The minor moon is a captured asteroid, much smaller and irregular. It's cycle lasts 56-57 days, often rounded to 60 for calenders.
The magic moon is where it gets fun. It's smaller than the major moon, and has a pink tint. It creates "tides" of magical power, and natural magic potency is affected by the phases of the moon. It's cycle lasts 340 days. For werewolves, the full magic-moon is what causes involuntary transformations.

Across the world, there are concetrated pockets of magical energy. Magic is stronger and unpredictable in these regions.

The Land

There are four major landmasses on Felas: Namrok, Kvolsum, Ussiar, and Danarsi. There is also an arctic continent north of Namrok, home of massive beasts and giants. The continents circle around a central ocean, one major factor in modern sea travel being the Intercontinental Current. It flows counter-clockwise: Namrok to Ussiar, Ussiar to Kvolsum, Kvolsum to Danarsi, and Danarsi to Namrok.


Kvolsum is the driest landmass, and the furthest south. Its northern half gets most of its precipitation from the Intercontinental Current, with its western coasts known for its abundant wetlands. Besides patches of seasonal forests along the coasts, the southern half of the continent is almost entirely savanna, with two main deserts: Eastern and Southern.


Ussiar and Kvolsum used to be a single continent, Usso-Kvolsum. Their closest points are around 700 miles (1,100 km). Ussiar's northern half is blanketed in temperate forests and its southern half is tropic. In central Ussiar it's much drier, with savannas turning into more temperate grasslands as the elevation rises. There are two mountain ranges in Ussiar: the Central Cluster in the east, and the Silver Peaks in the west.


Namrok is the northern-most landmass inhabited by humans, its northern half subarctic and its southern half temperate. Central Namrok is arguably the wealthiest region in modern day, with rich farmland and numerous river valleys. In the southwest are vast wetlands, fed by the Intercontinental Current. Much of Namrok's southern coasts are wetlands, as well.


Danarsi is the modern name given to the archipelago. Most islands are centered along the equator, with hundreds of islands primarily in the north. Danarsi is the remnants of a sunken continent, known separately as Niras. Niras is in fact the birthplace of humanity, a global calamity causing the continent to sink and humans having to travel to other landmasses.

Arctic Continent

As Ussiar and Kvolsum were once one landmass, Namrok used to be connected to the northern continent. Stories say it's inhabited by a unique species of giant.

The Humans

The Yoia (sing. Yoi)

The Yoia are the descendants of those that never fled Niras, instead moving up its mountains as sea levels rose. They could travel between islands, but never ventured into the deep sea.

The Khokan (sing. Khokl)

The Erylai (sing. Eryla)

The Nami (sing. Nami)


Long, long ago, the continents were once a single supercontinent that began to break apart with plate tectonics. The first landmass to split from the supercontinent was (Name Pending), the amalgamation of the Arctic Continent, Namrok and Niras. Niras would break from the megacontinent early on, dropping to the equator while the main continent continued to travel north. The Arctic Continent would split from Namrok, further traveling into the polar regions while Namrok began to settle straddling the Arctic Circle.

Ussiar and Kvolsum would split to the east, and remained a singular continent for much more of its history as Usso-Kvolsum. There would be periods where the continent would be connected via land bridges, until recent history with the modern rise in sea levels starting 8,000 years ago.

Starting around 5,000 years ago and lasting for nearly two millenia, there was a global period of drying climate similar to the conditions that originally inspired humans to leave Niras. All the landmasses were affected by this, with waves of migrations to the wetter coasts that could be seen in the archeological records. Kvolsum already had patches of desert, but this greatly expanded them; it was hit the hardest by this period.