Element of Water
Water includes elements like ice and various water-based liquids, and is often associated with Life or Nature magic. It can be used for agriculture and irrigation, sewage, food preservation, medicine, etc.
Water includes elements like ice and various water-based liquids, and is often associated with Life or Nature magic. It can be used for agriculture and irrigation, sewage, food preservation, medicine, etc.
PHILOSOPHY: Adaptability
ORGAN: Blood
Water teaches the magician to adapt and overcome obstacles in their way. Casting stances involve quick flowing movement.
Water's symbolic organ is the blood.
Water wizards tend to have a reputation among the mundane for being open-minded, quick-witted, and overthinking.
Water Burnouts occur when a magician's spell backfires due to . A Burnout is considered the greatest backfire, one that always results in death. When a magician triggers a Water Burnout,